Saturday, October 25, 2008

Alia did great her first week of daycare! She was really tired the first couple of days, but I think she is getting used to being around all those kids. We haven't gotten any phone calls during the day and when we pick her up in the afternoon they always say what a good baby she had been. Here's to hoping she stays good as she gets older. She is B and I's child though. There's a potential for either goodness or mischievousness.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

"Aunt" April
Cousins Calvin and Harley
So happy to be back home! (Actually, I was tickling her!)

Alia took her first trip this past weekend. We went to Illinois with my mom. Alia got to meet many members of her family and was really well-behaved. She also met her future husband (my friend's son), and had her first visit to Monical's.

Monday, October 6, 2008

We are one month old today!
We like getting in our car first!
Here's the swing that my Aunt Beth gave us and my mom fixed up. B added the ugly dolls for her to look at.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008