Sunday, June 29, 2008

Look at what we did this weekend!!!!!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Requested by Brook, here is news about our first class. There were actually quite a few couples there (like 7 or 8). The teacher is really nice. She makes lots of jokes, but it's funny because not everyone was reacting so she had to keep on saying..."I'm joking." We learned about the different stages of labor, when to know when we were in labor, ways to make labor happen, when to go to the hospital, and she showed us some exercises. I did learn some things that I have not previously learned so I'm looking forward to the other 5 classes. They will of course go through more labor information, breathing techniques (I do plan on not having drugs), a tour of the birth center, and parenting tips and techniques (they have to make sure you can change a diaper and bathe your child).

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Well, we're supposed to start child-birth classes this Thursday. I'm hoping to learn a lot. We started clearing out the nursery this past week. Right now, we need to get the furniture and the boxes in the closet out of there, vaccuum, and then we can start painting (or he can start painting or other people can start painting.) I want to help as much as I can, but I'm not sure what he'll let me do. We'll just see. My hope is to have it done before the in-laws come. I don't know if that will happen or not. Again, we'll just see. :)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Alia's future husband Asher.
Baby Shower Picture Blog (for pictures of people, head over to my blog)
Instead of a cake, we had yummy sugar cookies!
Following are some of my favorite gifts.

Friday, June 6, 2008

26 weeks

More baby stuff. An Uglydog, sleeper, bib, and burp cloth from Amy.
We also received a tub and some pacifiers from Kacey and Jordan. Thanks guys!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Had an appointment today. I also found out this morning that not only was I having a glucose test done (2 blood draws), but I was also getting an Rh injection. Yea for needles in me! Pray that my glucose levels are normal...:) After my next appointment in July, we'll go every two weeks.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

We bought paint and supplies!!!