Alia is very fun nowadays. She makes the strangest noises on her own. She has started roaring, and she loves to laugh. She is 6 months and a week old. We've tried all of our vegetables, at least the ones that Gerber makes. She's had sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, green beans, and peas. None of which I eat by the way! Today we are starting fruit with bananas. Yummm....My mom visited last weekend and Alia had a lot of fun with her. She gained a few new toys by the time that Grandma had left too! I brought out some of Alia's spring clothes and am very excited. I was pretty tired of her winter onesies.
We had a Parents as Teachers meeting last night. Alia was a little wary at first, but then showed off very well. She got to play with practice golf balls in a metal bowl. The funny thing was...she liked the noise at first, but then kept emptying the bowl of all the balls and then trying to eat them. She also got to play with a "Pat Mat"(ziplock bag with water and foam cut-outs in it). She really enjoyed that. Alia seems to be developing just fine and maybe even doing some things a little early. B was glad to hear that we were in fact doing a good job. :)
PS...she is almost sitting up...that is the next big milestone I am waiting for.