Sunday, September 7, 2008


Alia Ren Lowery decided it was time to join us on Saturday September 6th 2008. She weighed in at 9 lbs. 6 oz. and was 22in long. She's a big'un! The short of it all for now. We went to the hostpital around 9:15 friday night cause rachel's water broke. fast forward a few hours and we had a baby! Mother and child are both doing well rachel had some issues after she devlivered but all is well and we should be heading home monday afternoonish :)

Thank you all so much for your prayers and gifts and thoughts. we love you guys.

and i would probably get beatn up by quite a few people if i didnt post some pictures so enjoy!

-b (wow im a dad)


Nichole said...

That's a mighty pretty baby you got there. (You're parents! Jinkies!)


Amy said...

Congrats and lots of love to mom, dad and baby. She is adorable and BIG! :-)

Nicole said...

Congratulations!!! She's so stinkin' adorable!

Kirsten Alana said...

YAY!!!!! She is GORGEOUS!!!

Unknown said...

God bless all three of you. You are such a wonderful family.

April said...

I think she's got her daddy's nose :) Thanks for the pictures!

Jack S. said...

CONGRATS from Jack & Francie. Hope everyone continues to do well.

Jen said...

Congrats guys! She's beautiful. I hope all is well your first week home. I'll be thinking about you.