Sunday, January 25, 2009

So yesterday, I put Alia under her gym and sat on the couch to watch some tv. There is a big stack of magazines that blocks my view of Alia when I sit on the couch. She was making lots of noise, so I sit up a little to see her and she is on her stomach. The little stinker had rolled over without even telling me she was going to. Later I went to change from my shorts to some pants, and when I come back out from the bedroom, she is on her stomach. I had missed it again! I did finally get her to roll over for the camera, but it was very bad lighting so when I get a better video, I'll post it. B also said that during my nap Alia rolled over and then rolled back to her back the other way.
I'm so happy!!

1 comment:

Kirsten Alana said...

Awh! The biggest moments seem to happen when you least expect it with babies.

By the way, she is so adorable!!