Friday, August 29, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Woo...what a day! Before our appointment this morning, B and I went to Waffle House for breakfast. It was yummy! Everything was good at the doctor's. Yesterday I kind of realized I was having contractions, but they weren't very intense and were like 3 hours apart and I only remember feeling three of them. Because of this though I had the doctor check to see if I was dilated, and she said I was at 1.5 cm. After this, B and I went in to work and then we had to come back at 3:30 for a biophysical profile. At the ultrasound part, Alia did everything she needed to do except we didn't catch her practice breathing. The technician said that wasn't a big deal since this was the first time. After the ultrasound I was hooked up to some monitors: one that monitored Alia's heart rate and one that monitored my contractions. Apparently, I was having a lot of contractions. They didn't hurt though. Also, they said that Alia wasn't as reactive as they would have liked (she really just wanted to go to sleep!). They called my doctor with the results to see if she wanted them to send me downstairs to OB triage for more monitoring. Of course, that's what my doctor wanted to do. When they got me all hooked up at the hospital, Alia was doing exactly what they wanted her to. I was still having a lot of contractions though so they checked to see how dilated I was...this was around 6:00 and now I was 3 cm. We decided to stay there a little longer and have them check again to see if I had advanced any. The doctor came back at 7:30 and I was still at 3 cm. Hence, we are home now after getting food (I hadn't eaten since 10:45!). We'll, uh...just see what happens now. :)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Everything was fine at the appointment yesterday. I'm not diabetic, but there is a little concern because it seems like I'm borderline diabetic, and the doctors want to keep an eye on my amniotic fluid level and the size of the baby. I found out yesterday that I am measuring 7 in over where normal people are supposed to be. So, I'll just have weekly ultrasounds. I don't really think I've had any contractions yet. I do hope she'll be ready to come out soon though. Our next appointment is Tuesday morning and then the ultrasound is Tuesday afternoon.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Highlights from the baby shower from people at church!
The gym we registered for!
A really cool burp cloth!
The gym we registered for!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Well, we have made it to the weekly appointments now. Had the ultrasound yesterday and found out that Alia is just big. The tech estimated 7.5 pounds already. At our appointment, we found out that nothing is wrong with me. All the tests that were run two weeks ago were normal. She told us that the doctor we had seen was testing for preeclampsia, but I don't have it. Things are all still pretty good. I'm tired all the time again. It's hard to walk around and shop at more than 1 place. Also, I noticed at church that when I stand and sing I run out of air very quickly. I consider myself lucky that that is all that I have to complain about.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
Here's the last of the new furniture we bought last weekend. This is what is in our closet.

Last night was our last child-birth class. Our normal teacher wasn't there. :( It wasn't bad though. The sub talked about all the parent resources here in Columbia, what to check if you're baby is crying, how to bottle-feed and bathe your child(while the cord is still attached). Stuff like that. Most of the information we already knew, but it was nice to hear things like..."If you've tried everything to stop your baby from crying, it's ok to put her down for 10 minutes while you recoup." There were lots other nice things she said, but then this post would get really long. Next week, B and I have 2 baby showers!!! Monday night is the shower for my work and our friends here in town hosted by Jules and Michelle. Thursday around lunch is the shower at B's work. I hate to say it, but I'm looking forward to getting things! 6 weeks left (or less, hopefully not more)!!!!
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