Here's the last of the new furniture we bought last weekend. This is what is in our closet.

Last night was our last child-birth class. Our normal teacher wasn't there. :( It wasn't bad though. The sub talked about all the parent resources here in Columbia, what to check if you're baby is crying, how to bottle-feed and bathe your child(while the cord is still attached). Stuff like that. Most of the information we already knew, but it was nice to hear things like..."If you've tried everything to stop your baby from crying, it's ok to put her down for 10 minutes while you recoup." There were lots other nice things she said, but then this post would get really long. Next week, B and I have 2 baby showers!!! Monday night is the shower for my work and our friends here in town hosted by Jules and Michelle. Thursday around lunch is the shower at B's work. I hate to say it, but I'm looking forward to getting things! 6 weeks left (or less, hopefully not more)!!!!
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