Friday, July 18, 2008

32 weeks down, 8 or less to go! We had an appointment yesterday and class #4. The appointment was normal and not exciting. Measure my belly and listen to the heartbeat. They are putting me on iron though. At class last night we talked about all the pain relief meds we could get while in labor and then did some more breathing exercises. The rest of our baby showers are coming up in August. There will be one for my coworkers and friends, one with B's coworkers, and one for church. I hope we get lots of things that we need...we don't actually have much yet except for clothes and blankets. B and I need to buy stain and get the crib set up. We're also going to buy a closet organizer soon (since we won't have a dresser b/c I didn't want one). That's all I can think of for now.

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